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Finding Sustainable Solutions for Indigenous Communities

Recently supported by ISCE's Scholar's Program and unsolicited funding, Eranga Galappaththi has spent over 10 years studying the social dimensions of human-nature systems. His research focuses on 11 Indigenous communities in Sri Lanka and the Canadian Arctic, examining their responses to various natural and human-made challenges.

Eranga Galappaththi (at left) with a study participant while conducting field research in Sri Lanka, summer 2023. Photo courtesy of Eranga Galappaththi.
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    Postpartum depression could be screened at the source
    Postpartum depression could be screened at the source , redirect

    Assistant Professor Niyousha Hosseinichimeh, previously supported by ISCE, has partnered with physician researchers at Children’s National Hospital to introduce screenings where there aren’t currently resources for adult populations in need: the pediatric emergency department and the neonatal intensive care unit.

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    Meet the F.I.R.E. Starters igniting undergraduate research
    Meet the F.I.R.E. Starters igniting undergraduate research , redirect

    F.I.R.E. Starters is an undergraduate research program that aims to increase access to and training for research opportunities for underrepresented minority undergraduate students. This program is a partnership between SOAR, the Office of Undergraduate Research, the Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program, the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, and the Fralin Life Sciences Institute. Click here to meet the F.I.R.E Starters!

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    Joe Biden and the national conversation about aging we urgently need
    Joe Biden and the national conversation about aging we urgently need , redirect

    Benjamin Katz and Pamela Teaster, two Virginia Tech faculty members with connections to ISCE, have been featured in the Washington Post for their opinion piece on Joe Biden. Click here to read "Joe Biden and the national conversation about aging we urgently need."